Monday, October 6, 2008

Flag Banner Season is Quickly Approaching.

Soon every light standard in The Woodlands will have a flag banner attached to it. You probably won't notice the flags since there will be so many of them gracing The Woodlands. CATW has reached out to the other CATW once again to reduce the number of flags this year. Time will tell what happens. I hope the other CATW presents the flag banner issue to the VFW in a bipartisan way. It's not like the other CATW to let concerned residents be part of the process.
Bellow is the email correspondence regarding the banners.
Mr Norrell:Flag banner season is quickly approaching. Please consider one flag per intersection and sporadic flags along the roads. It's my belief that The Woodlands is doing a disservice to the U.S. flag by putting so many at intersections and along the roads. Please pass this info to the people who hire the WCSC to install the flags. I would also appreciate if you would bring this up at all the board meetings for discussion.Have a blessed day,Joe Merrill
Mr Merrill,Thank you for your email. I appreciate you expressing your concerns and your concerns will be taken into consideration before we place the 4th of July
Banners. I have asked staff to follow up with the local VFW Post to get their feedback on this issue / we plan to share the feedback we receive with the decision makers on this matter.
Don Norrell

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