Friday, June 15, 2007

The Woodlands Association Board of Director President, Joel Deretchin.

Video removed out of respect for public servent. CATW hopes that Mr Deretchin regrets his actions and hasa apologized to Mr Tyson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of that time I asked some board members for their advice on some erotic thought I had asked if they liked the taste of Eagle Wings (This comment brought to you by Eagle's Smeagle's BBQ wings, eating any other type would just be unAmerican"). Boy were they upset but then proceeded to give me some rather interesting recommendations. To you whom recommended "In the Navy", ummm, sorry but that one lost me at the "Torpedo" scene. Others have graciously offered there own personal collections which I am very grateful for but no I don't have anything at this time to trade as you've requested. So I find the behavior seen it the video as just another example of the Board's previous transgressions. At least this one didn't have a nip slip like the other one of that was funnnnny.