Thursday, May 31, 2007

Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

I was talking with a friend a while back and realized that CATW may need to write news and blogs to more than a few audiences.

Example: Blog Should our Leaders be in the same place at once? was intended to make certain people aware of their own wasteful spending and habits. While those "certain people" got the message I may have offended the wrong people in the process. Below are some additional random thoughts about the photo/meeting.
  • Our underpaid deputies could use a small bonus instead of a free coke and handshake from Jeff Long and Joel Deretchin. A few bucks will go a long way for morale.
  • There was an important joint board meeting the morning of the photo/meeting that some Directors did not attend. Those Directors are in the picture, but could not make it to a joint board meeting to discuss the future of The Woodlands? Self serving photo?
  • How much did this meeting cost the residents of The Woodlands and who did it really benefit? One thing for sure is that it did not benefit the residents of The Woodlands.

CATW respects the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office and all who serve.

Please note that CATW encourages all to post comments, email, call or snail mail us at any time. Posting comments anonymously on the CATW Blog is just that, anonymous. We have no way of telling who posted the comment.

With all due respect, I can't take back my comments about Lake Woodlands and Gosling. . . :-)

Bruce Tough Survey

Post removed out of respect for public official.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Have you ever driven down Woodlands Parkway, or any street these days, and seen the patriotic flag banners on the light standards? If you live in The Woodlands, then I am sure you've seen them. While you are driving down any major street in The Woodlands it doesn't take long before the patriotic feeling to diminish and the banners just blend into the landscape. The excessive use of the banners has gotten to the point where I've heard people complain that the intersections are covered with them. In 2006 I inquired about some different banners in The Woodlands and was told by Ms. Lisa Morris, The Records Manager of The Community Associations of The Woodlands, that "The information you request is not subject to the Public Information Act of Texas;thus, is not subject to disclosure under the Act."

I remember seeing entergy trucks installing the banners in years past, but it appears to be a private company installing them now.

I have submitted a new request to get banner information and asked what the 'entire' banner project is costing the residents of The Woodlands.

It's important to note that CATW approves the banners, but does not think residents of The Woodlands should be paying for excess.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Final Answer? Parody

Community Activists of The Woodlands Founder, Joe Merrill, sent in below complaint to Mr. Norrell, General Manager of the Woodlands Community Service Corporation.

Community Activists of The Woodlands
May 21, 2007
In regards to: Official complaint regarding Mary Connell's actions at Joint Strategic Planning Workshop on 5/19/07
Don Norrell
Community Associations of The Woodlands
2201 Lake Woodlands Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
Dear Mr. Norrell:
When I entered the meeting room at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott for the public Joint Strategic Planning Workshop I noticed an abundance of printed informational material on the corner of a table where Ms. Connell was sitting. As a resident and member of the media, I approached Ms. Connell requesting a copy of the information. I was shocked at Ms. Connells behavior and need to bring it to your attention since this reflects poorly on The Board of Directors, the WCSC and The Woodlands. Ms. Connell refused to speak to me when I requested a copy of the printed material and glared at me in a threatening manner. Please take appropriate actions to prevent this from happening in the future. As far as this complaint goes, a written apology from Ms. Connell will resolve my complaint.
I request a response and apology from Ms. Connell by the end of business on 5/21/07.
Joe Merrill
Community Activists of The Woodlands

Mr. Norrell replied and I am still waiting to make sure that his reply is his "Final Answer".

What do you think his original reply was?

A: Mr. Merrill, Sorry to hear that Ms. Connell was rude to you, a resident of The Woodlands that we proudly serve. Ms. Connell is currently on leave and I will speak with her when she returns.

B: Mr. Merrill, Ms. Connell was drinking water and couldn't speak. Must have been a misunderstanding. . . .

C: Mr. Merrill, Ms. Connell has a history of taking business related issues personally and she has been coached on how to handle situations like the one you described in the future. Ms. Connell is sorry for her behavior and looks forward to working with you, an 11 year resident of The Woodlands, in the future. Please feel free to contact myself or Ms. Connell in the future with any issues.

Update: Anser is B

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Should our Leaders be in the same place at once?

This story makes me think of a few things.
  • Why are all of our leaders in one place at the same time? According to the new sign at the association building, staff or residents have something to worry about.
  • Were the residents of The Woodlands and surrounding communities made aware that all our law enforcement was on break? I would have taken advantage of the situation and drove 40MPH up and down Lake Woodlands and Gosling the entire time they were on break.
  • Why was the meeting held at the association building and not the Marriott? Just last weekend the residents of The Woodlands spent an untold amount of money to hold a Board meeting in the Marriott. It appears from the picture that there would have been plenty enough space for our leaders to sit around at the association building and do whatever it was that they did.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Will The Woodlands Sue Community Activists of The Woodlands?

Will the residents of The Woodlands have to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees because the residents want a voice? Will the Executive Management Staff of the Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC) & Board of directors of the WCSC approve such actions? Spending thousands of residents assessment dollars on legal fees to prevent the free flow of information is nothing new to The Woodlands.
If you don't want your assessment dollars wasted, then send an email to: &

Please feel free to comment.

Update: No Law Suits Yet