Example: Blog Should our Leaders be in the same place at once? was intended to make certain people aware of their own wasteful spending and habits. While those "certain people" got the message I may have offended the wrong people in the process. Below are some additional random thoughts about the photo/meeting.
- Our underpaid deputies could use a small bonus instead of a free coke and handshake from Jeff Long and Joel Deretchin. A few bucks will go a long way for morale.
- There was an important joint board meeting the morning of the photo/meeting that some Directors did not attend. Those Directors are in the picture, but could not make it to a joint board meeting to discuss the future of The Woodlands? Self serving photo?
- How much did this meeting cost the residents of The Woodlands and who did it really benefit? One thing for sure is that it did not benefit the residents of The Woodlands.
CATW respects the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office and all who serve.
Please note that CATW encourages all to post comments, email, call or snail mail us at any time. Posting comments anonymously on the CATW Blog is just that, anonymous. We have no way of telling who posted the comment.
With all due respect, I can't take back my comments about Lake Woodlands and Gosling. . . :-)