Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
VOICE PAC Treasurer Receives TEC Complaint
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
County Attorney David Walker Working for the residents of Montgomery County?
Walker does not return emails or phone calls, but he has time to visit the Woodlands Community Service Corporation behind closed doors to strike a deal.
He has since snubbed a public request for information to hopefully pacify residents who are complaining about advertisements in The Woodlands Right of Ways on Entergy poles.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Texas Ethics Commission & DA Mike McNoodle
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Woodlands Fire Department Life And Fire Safety (LAFS) Program
- The Clown's were able to keep a room full of children focused and quiet for nearly 30 minutes to learn about fire safety.
- The children interacted with the FF's which reinforced the safety message.
- The Clowns enjoy what they are doing and believe that their message is getting across to the children and I agree after seeing the video.
- Stop, Drop, Cover and Roll.
- EDITH (Exit Drills In The Home).
- Seat belt safety.
- Call 911 for emergency.
- Fire ABC's (always Be Calm).
- Get low under the smoke and crawl to safety.
- Kitchen safety and cool the burn with cool clear water.
- Locate and how to exit safely
- Location of fire extinguishers and how to operate.
- hurricane evacuation procedures.
Summary: The FFs are doing a good job with the Clown and Puppet program. I am not going to complain about past issues (ie: trailer cost & travel) since we don't know, and may never know, how many lives have been affected or saved from the program. I just ask that cost be considered in the future while keeping the program at it's current level of excellence. If the trailer truly isn't being used then it's my opinion that it should be sold and the profits be donated to charity. The FF's can continue to use the Fire Safety House to transport their props.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Precinct 3 Commissioner, Ed Chance, Approves CATW for SBP
Two Groups have been appointed by Mr Chance:
Community Activists of The Woodlands &
Community Associations of The Woodlands
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Montgomery County Northstar - advanced transportation system
- You have this very elaborate (see above photo) traffic system with 250 cameras between 23 & 46 optical zoom. Whose watching? The Traffic division has someone watching the cameras 24x7 with 4 employees. The system can be accessed from employees homes as if they were in the office. The Sheriffs Office, Houston Tanstar and Montgomery County traffic assist has remote wireless access.
- What are the cameras all about? The entire camera system, which is handled remotely, includes 150 miles of fiber which has been purchased / leased wisely to ensure there will always be connectivity. Nothings perfect, but in my opinion they have done their best. As mentioned before there are 250 cameras with zoom capacity between 23 & 46. Mr Koehler showed me the distance a 23 camera could zoom and rotate and I was very impressed with the clarity and the ability for the camera to see the exact spot required. In the same photo above you can see there are two large screens with smaller screens, there are also additional monitors on traffic managers desks, in the middle. The middle screens are monitoring all cameras 24x7 and will alert trouble spots that can be enlarged on the bigger screens. None of the cameras are recorded, they are simply used for real time monitoring. Recording all 250 cameras, even with a 10-20 minute re-record would require a huge amount of storage space and the county does not believe it would be beneficial, mostly due to cost. The only exception for recording are the red light cameras, which are recorded and every hour or two the information is dumped to the red light management company in Arizona.
- Why do we have the cameras? Safety is the first logical reason. If you are having car trouble on I45 the traffic managers may notice that and send support. The assistance program or Sheriffs office often call in and ask if cars are stranded at certain locations and to get vital information about accidents to save valuable travel time and get the proper response team to the location. The cameras are incredibly beneficial at intersections during morning and evening rush hours. Signal timing can be manipulated from miles away to ensure traffic flows out of and into The Woodlands as best as possible.
- Why does it take so long to drive down Woodlands Parkway? First we all need to understand that Woodlands Parkway is not a traditional parkway. It may have been a parkway back in the day when the first and only exit was Grogan's Mill. Woodlands Parkway is actually a limited access road. Limited access basically means there are no driveways on the road, just intersections. "Woodlands Limited Access Road" just doesn't have much flare so we'll have to deal with Woodlands Parkway at this time. So back to why? If it was a perfect world and everyone started at the exact same location, stayed in their own lanes and ALL did the exact same speed then the system would be amazing. The real world; the person entering Woodlands Parkway from the flyover during rush hour may be in perfect position to make it all the way past Gosling and not hit one red light. Well, as soon as this person hits the parkway; 6 cars have already run red lights at the smaller cross streets, 25 cars have switched lanes in front of this persons car and people are driving anywhere between 40 and 65. This all happens before the person hits Grogan's Mill Road. Then BAM, two lanes after Grogan's Mill. The traffic manager do their best adjusting the timing after Grogan's Mill, but by that time so many people have switched lanes, run red lights and varied their speed that they can only do so much. Cars make 65K trips through the light on Woodlands Parkway at the East Panther Creek intersection daily. Traffic lightens after the Panther Creeks and Gosling intersections, but with the grouth in The Woodlands, you can guarantee it will only get worse. The Woodlands Developer is responsible for all new road construction in The Woodlands. The Roads are later conveyed to the Montgomery County. The County has little to no say on adding more access roads into The Woodlands from I45.
- How does the system know a car, motorcycle or person is at an intersection waiting? You will see from the photo that some areas where there are cars have green boxes around them and some areas that have no cars have a empty black box where a car could possibly approach. Once a car enters the black box it turns green and the system knows there is a car there and makes sure that the car is put into the lighting rotation. If there are no cars at one side of an intersection the system will simply ignore that part of the intersection and worry about getting the traffic through the areas that have cars. Montgomery County has taken care of motorcycles too. Gone are the days of having to make sure your bike is on the embedded metal strip in the road to trigger the light. Similar to the cars, once a motorcycle hits the black bog, it will turn green and now be in the signal rotation. Pedestrians, who hit the crosswalk button, will be put into the rotation and even though it may not seem like it, the pedestrians waiting time is shortened by hitting the button. It wouldn't make sense to stop traffic immediately for a person to walk across the street.
- Why does it take so long to install and activate traffic lights? Currently signal lights are being installed down a major section of Lake Woodlands that have traditionally been stop signs to ease the congestion of motorist using Lake Woodlands to get in and out of The Woodlands. I specifically asked about Lake Woodlands and New Trails. Mr Koehler assured me that they have that intersection first on their list. The issue with a large project like this is that the infrastructure, all down Lake Woodlands, needs to all be in place prior to putting up the lights. The plan is to start at New Trails and move into The Woodlands. I also learned that every intersection is designed from scratch. So that basically means that there's not a pile of poles and lights just waiting. I found that interesting and can only imagine the cost. Again the Woodlands Developer runs the show on new construction and then conveys to the County.
- Some lights trigger as soon as I drive up to the intersection, why? A perfect example of this scenario is the light at Gosling and Shadowbend. Since the congestion is not high at this intersection and it's not on the major grid, it's an independent light. The system still sees the cars in the green boxes and changes the signaling rotation immediately. This type of independent signaling would be impossible on Woodlands Parkway since the traffic would constantly stop due to traffic coming off the multiple intersections.
Friday, October 26, 2007
George Mitchell Nature Preserve Grand Opening
Attorney Nets Marijuana Rap. NOT CONFIRMED - POSSIBLE PARODY
Though I didn't appreciate the language (but can certainly handle it), I did appreciate the fact the someone took the time to call.
Apparently residents can find this information on microfilm. Go check it out and let me know!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hidden Proposition 4 - Village Stickers (parody)
After 11-6, if you voted yes for all 3 props and all 3 props pass, then hidden prop 4 will also pass.
TCID has 'stolen' this program idea from the village of Panther Creek, but have put a spin on it so only Woodlands Township gets credit.
Woodlands Township will create stickers of different shapes, fonts, colors, sizes & paper quality (possibly leather for CW) for each village.
Naturally GM will have the cheapest/smallest quality sticker while CW will have the the more expensive/larger stickers.
If Hidden prop 4 passes ALL residents of Woodlands Township will be required to physically pick up their stickers no later than 11-7-07 at any Woodforest Bank. Stickers will range from $30/set-GM to $180/set-CW and need to be renewed annually. You will need to purchase a set of stickers for each Car or Motorcycle your family owns.
As the below photo (Photo A) shows the sticker in the back window needs to be right in the middle of the window so people behind you can clearly know your status. Woodlands Township will be outlawing rearview mirrors and require that all cars be equipped with side mirrors (Photo B) similar to these which can also be purchased at any Woodforest bank for $300/pair with an $80 instillation charge. The purpose of the back window siticker is to let villages of a higher status pass you at any rate of speed. The front Stickers (Photo C) will need to be placed smack dab in front of your face. As you can see from the photo, the sticker is typed in a way that cars in front of you can easily see your status from their side mirrors. Having the sticker smack dab in front of you is against the law, but Woodlands Township believes knowing where you fit in the community is more important.
Motorcycles will be required to have a full front sticker on each helmet (Photo D) which will also be easy for people to know your village status from their side mirrors. Not shown is that from the inside of the helmet your village status is also visible so that you never forget where you stand in Woodlands Township. The back of the helmet (Photo not shown) will simply need your village sticker so people from a higher status village will know if they can pass you at any rate of speed. As before, Woodlands Township does not care that you will not be able to see out the front of your helmet, status is more important.
Voluntary Bandit Sign Program
The voluntary Bandit Sign Program is designed to give trained organizations or individuals the authority to confiscate and destroy any signs in The Right of Ways of The Woodlands.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Joe Merrill of Community Activists of The Woodlands speaks at WCA Board of Directors Meeting
MC DA Mike McDougal's Letter to WCSC GM Don Norrell Regarding Illegal Signs in The ROW's
McDougal says:
"...to the extent possible, please advise your associations to discontinue placing any kind of signs in the public road rights-of-way and discontinue charging "removal fees" for the removal of signs in the public road rights-of-way."
Click picture to view letter.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Woodlands Development Company Cleans Sculpture in Cochrans Crossing
The Woodlands Development Company Cleans Sculpture in Cochrans Crossing.
We're not sure if they took advantage of the Sculpture Cleaning Kit 1.0 or not, but it certainly looks better.
Thank YOU!
Sculpture BEFORE and Sculpture AFTER.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Letter from Don Norrell to Board of Directors, including reference to MORE legal Counsel, and Press Release.
As all of you are aware, a complaint has been was lodged again the Community Associations of the Woodlands regarding the placement of signs in the boulevard. This complaint was filed with the District Attorney and the County Attorney and alleges that the practices in regard to the placement of signs in street right of ways, as adopted under The Woodlands Residential Development Standards, may be in violation of state law.
In order to try and resolve this issue in an expedient manner, I believe that it is essential that we suspend the processing of accepting applications from residents or organizations interested in securing conditional approval for placement of signs in the right of way. I am not suggesting that we change the rules at this time / a change in the rules will require action of the DSC and DRC. What I am recommending is that we suspend all applications for the placement of signs in the road right of way until we can discuss and resolve this matter with the County Attorney and County representatives. If changes in our process are necessary, I plan to propose appropriate process changes once we have concluded discussion with the County regarding this matter.
The County has been our partner in the maintenance of The Woodlands community and we need to do everything possible to continue this very positive relationship. We also need to assure that all of our actions are in compliance with state law.
I will communicate to the County Attorney and the District Attorney that we are voluntarily suspending our current application policies and procedures. Over the next few weeks, we will work with our legal counsel (Randy Bays) to discuss these issues with County officials and hopefully develop an acceptable plan to allow us to move forward with an acceptable defined process.
In regard to the removal of signs from the boulevard, Montgomery County has named the WCSC as a volunteer entity that is allowed to remove bandit signs from the boulevard. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be working with the County to get this approval in writing and to also train our employees and volunteers. This training is required by the County. Until we complete the required training which will take up to a couple of weeks, I am instructing our staff not to pick up bandit signs that may be placed in the road right of way. We want to assure that we comply with all county standards prior to initiation of this enforcement process.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Release for 10/17/07
The Community Associations of the Woodlands have voluntarily suspended processing of applications from residents and organizations interested in placing signs in the road right of way. Previously, committees of the Community Associations reviewed sign applications filed by residents and organizations requesting that they be allowed to place conforming signs in the public right of way. If these signs were allowed by covenant standards, the applicant received conditional approval for the sign subject to their ability to secure approval from the appropriate governmental agency before placement of the signs.
Historically, two committees representing the Community Associations have administered the covenant standards for the placement of signs on property in The Woodlands. These committees have reviewed all applications to assure that signs placed on private property and in road right of ways conform to the requirements of The Woodlands Residential Development Standards. These committees have always recognized that their authority is limited to the approval of the size and type of sign allowed by covenant standards and have directed applicants to seek the authority of the appropriate governmental agency prior to placing signs in the road right of way.
Recently, a resident filed a complaint with the District Attorney and the County Attorney regarding this matter alleging that the Community Associations have violated the law with the covenant sign approval process. In order to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, the Community Associations are voluntarily suspending the processing of applications relating to the conditional approval of signs in the road right of way (conditioned on County approval) and will work with County officials to resolve this matter. The Community Associations of The Woodlands are committed to a process that meets the requirements of state law.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
CC Sculpture
I have received word from The Woodlands Development Company that it has finally been cleaned.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Montgomery County District Attorney to Send The Woodlands a Letter regarding bandit ROW sign Issue
McDougal States: "I am sending a letter to Mr. Powers advising him of my opinion and asking him, to the extent he has any authority, to discontinue placing any signs in the rights-of-way of the roadways in The Woodlands, Texas; further, that the "Woodlands Residential Development Standards" are ineffective as to the placement of signs in the rights-of-way in The Woodlands, Texas; and that the "fines" provided for in the residential standards are not collectible."
Please contact Don Norrell at 281.210.3800 to request your refund.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Woodlands Groups Continue to Break the Law.
If you have been paying attention you will know that Community Activists of The Woodlands (CATW) is doing everything possible to keep The Woodlands beautiful.
The Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC) General Manager, Don Norrell, said on March 22nd, 2007 "The Woodlands is a beautiful community that should be kept that way through reasonable rules and common sense enforcement"
Unfortunately Mr Norrell's definition of Common Sense enforcement differs from the law.
CATW submitted THIS document to The Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constables Office today.
State Senator, Robert L Nichols, agrees with CATW that signs in the right of ways are illegal in THIS document.
Montgomery County Attorney, David Walker, stated the following regarding signs in the right of ways: "They are illegal. Placement of signs in public right-of-way is illegal."
When CATW asked Montgomery County District Attorney, Mike McDougal, his opinion on the signs in the right of ways and if we should contact the constables he had this advice: "That would be my advice, although I don't know if the constable can take the signs. He can issue tickets to them for Class C misdemeanors."
So now it's up to Mr Norrell to do what's right within the law.
for Chief Deputy Jeff McLaughlin to enforce the law.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Introducing Community Activists of The Wodlands LABS
CATW has since expanded into research and development with our new division called CATW LABS.
Since the developer is in the middle of trying to ensure that The Town Center Improvement District annexes The Woodlands, CATW wanted to help.
Introducing SCULPTURE KIT 1.0!
An email will be sent to the developer with our LABS results and hopefully the sculpture will be cleaned by first quarter 2009.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Community Activists of The Woodlands and Texas State Senator Robert L Nichols Agree on State Law With Signs in ROW's
The Woodlands Community Service Corporation(WCSC), the "private" company hired by the three Home Owners Associations of the woodlands does not agree with Senator Nichols.
The below document clearly states that the WCSC has no right to approve the placement of signs in the right-of-way or fine anyone who does place a sign in the right-of-way.
Call Mr Don Norrell, WCSC General Manager, to ask for a refund if you have been sent a threatening letter and paid a fine.
Mr Norrell can be reached at 281.210.3800
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) Investigating Robert Eissler
You can read more about the TEC HERE.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Mr Tom Campbell & Resident Funded Trips
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Where is the Plaza?
Cochran's Crossing Quickly Becoming an Old Village
Saturday, August 18, 2007
$731.76 for Something that could have been done in The Woodlands?
What is the WCA? The WCA is a Homeowners Association (HOA), nothing more - nothing less. The definition of a HOA is: An organization of homeowners residing within a particular development whose major purpose is to maintain and provide community facilities and services for the common enjoyment of the residents.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
$18,300.00 to WJPA Directors in 1Q 2007 while residents water bills rise.
With Salary's like THIS, it's no wonder they need more of our hard earned money.
While we are all being tiered, let's not forget that there is NOT a water shortage, but possibly poor planning.
Our water does not disappear
Bruce Tough, Woodlands Fire Department Pesident, Comments on Chief Benson
Bruce Tough said:
"Chief Benson, in anyone's opinion, is an exemplary fire chief"
Friday, August 10, 2007
Are Residents of The Woodlands Paying Double for Services?
What do you think?
Monday, August 6, 2007
ARGH! Pirates in The Woodlands!
Mr Nunes, Director for the Woodlands Community Service Corporation, did his best to have graffiti removed as soon as possible.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Woodlands Development Standards Committee (DSC)
On June 27th Joe Merrill sent THIS request to the Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC) and has not heard back from the WCSC regarding a yes or no decision.
Mr Norrell, WCSC General Manager, advised "The Woodlands Community Service Corporation provides staff services to the DSC / we do not make the decision on DSC appointments. . The DSC will interview the candidates and then make a recommendation to the WCA Board for the appointment. The formal approval of the appointment will be on the WCA agenda when the recommendation comes forward from the DSC."
Since June 27th both the DSC and the WCA boards have met.
Friday, July 27, 2007
New CATW Poll
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Read THIS letter from Michael Beller, Attorney for the Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC).
Notice that the letter from Beller to the Attornery General reads: Attention: Ms. Claire V. Morris Sloan and also reads Dear Mr. Simpson?
Even though the WCSC previously chose to only supply information for 2007, they have since promised to do an "additional search".... We will post their search results.
Update: Thanks to a current Board of Directors efforts, CATW has received the requested information that the Attorney General denied. The Board of director agrees with CATW the if it's in the operating budget then it's public information.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Bruce Tough Trip
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Everybody's..... Scared or Somethin'
We have great respect for The Woodlands law enforcement who pound the pavement so we will not make any comments.
We've personally heard the story from a couple different angles so ask people who were involved to please comment.
We couldn't find anything about this issue on the associations site.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
AG complaint against WJPA
Jim Stinson believes that their current fee bill is adequate, but CATW disagrees. Itemized bills are a standard and that's why we get them, even on our water bills.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Bruce Tough Survey
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Bruce Tough Trip
Update: The WCSC board of directors ave concluded that Mr Tough did not violate any travel policies.
John Powers Refuses to Answer resident Email
Friday, July 6, 2007
The Woodlands VOICE PAC
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Community Activists of The Woodlands Assists TCID with Critical Information
The TCID Fact Sheet has been updated to read: Crime rate 1/2 the national average (CAP Risk Assessment).
Donating Made Easy Idea
Please note in your donation if you would like donation ear marked for specific issue.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Crime Rate Double?
For example:
(Let's just say The Woodlands and TCID were the same size and every variable was equal)
If The Woodlands had 500 crimes last month, TCID's would have nearly 1000 crimes.
We hope this is an error and will be corrected soon.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ms Lisa Morris, The Woodlands Community Service Corporations (WCSC) Records manager, sent me this document.
We have questions.
- Why did the WCSC remove the graffiti if Montgomery County (County) owns the box?
- Is this standard operating procedure County wide? Do Conroe residents pay to have graffiti removed from County owned property? Remember that Woodlands residents pay the County to have right of ways (landscaping, trash removal, etc...) maintained just so the WCSC can charge us too and do it on their own.
- Does the WCSC keep records on how much anything costs? See this as an example.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Rosemary Roe and TEC complaint
Picture has been removed out of respect of public servent and CATW asumes she regrets her poor judgement.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC) Code of Conduct
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Woodlands Association Board of Director President, Joel Deretchin.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Openly providing public information or finally "giving in"?
It's amazing how the Woodlands Community Service Corporation (WCSC) fights, with residents dollars, to keep public information out of residents hands. It's also amazing how the WCSC will act like it's business as usual when they finally do what's right.
Here is an example from the email Ms. Connell sent out to the media. Note: CATW is a member of the media, even provided credentials that no other journalist was required to provide, and Ms. Connell did not send to CATW.
"Agenda packets for board and committee meetings are now available online, accessible through a link near the top of the respective agenda page, once the packets are ready. Agendas are still posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting; agenda packets will be posted when they are ready, according to the policy."
I also noticed that there was no news or press releases from 5-21 to 6-11 of 2007. With all that is going on in The Woodlands there should be daily updates. Look at the pattern in release dates and let us know if you think it looks like they are working around local papers publishing dates.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Who holds the honor of sitting on the most boards in MC?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Where's Waldo.... Wait, Where's The Woodlands Fire Hydrant?
Nobody wins this game and I hope The Woodlands Community Service Corporation, The MUDS, City of Houston, The Woodlands Fire Department, or whoever is responsible will step up and make sure ALL hydrants are visible and in proper working condition..
News article from CATW NEWS.
May 30, 2007
Community Activists of The Woodlands (CATW) recently investigated a safety concern that most residents of The Woodlands share.
Using the Community Associations of The Woodlands Online Communication System, CATW asked why the fire hydrants in The Woodlands are green and not red.
An unidentified source from the Community Associations of The Woodlands advised “The hydrants have a white bonnet (the top). The white paint is a special reflective paint which makes it easier to see at night. We also provide a blue reflective marker in the street which helps with locating the hydrant. In addition, all our apparatus are equipped with books noting where each hydrant is located.”
CATW’s investigators found the hydrants are not reflective unless a light is shining straight at the bonnet. The investigators also noted multiple hydrants without a blue reflective marker in the street. The hydrants without the blue markers in the street were seen on Cochran’s Crossing Drive, New Trails Drive, Lake Woodlands Drive, Sylvan Forest Drive and several other residential streets.
Joe Merrill, Founder of CATW, says “While CATW appreciates the beauty of The Woodlands, we are more concerned with safety. Why should our firefighters have to search for small reflective bonnets, rely on blue reflective markers in the street that are not there, or flip through a book? If a residents home is on fire and lives are in danger, there is no time to waste” Merrill stated that he will personally contact the Community Associations of The Woodlands to ask that all the missing blue reflective markers are replaced.
Have questions? The Community Associations of The Woodlands can be contacted at 281-210-3800 or services@catw-tx.org. The Woodlands Fire Department can be contacted at wfd@catw-tx.org.
Update: CATW has been working closely with the WJPA and they have ensured that the Developer owned streetscape maintenance crew, Brickman, has been clearing the hydrants.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Conflict of Interest?
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
Example: Blog Should our Leaders be in the same place at once? was intended to make certain people aware of their own wasteful spending and habits. While those "certain people" got the message I may have offended the wrong people in the process. Below are some additional random thoughts about the photo/meeting.
- Our underpaid deputies could use a small bonus instead of a free coke and handshake from Jeff Long and Joel Deretchin. A few bucks will go a long way for morale.
- There was an important joint board meeting the morning of the photo/meeting that some Directors did not attend. Those Directors are in the picture, but could not make it to a joint board meeting to discuss the future of The Woodlands? Self serving photo?
- How much did this meeting cost the residents of The Woodlands and who did it really benefit? One thing for sure is that it did not benefit the residents of The Woodlands.
CATW respects the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office and all who serve.
Please note that CATW encourages all to post comments, email, call or snail mail us at any time. Posting comments anonymously on the CATW Blog is just that, anonymous. We have no way of telling who posted the comment.
With all due respect, I can't take back my comments about Lake Woodlands and Gosling. . . :-)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Final Answer? Parody
In regards to: Official complaint regarding Mary Connell's actions at Joint Strategic Planning Workshop on 5/19/07
Don Norrell
Community Associations of The Woodlands
2201 Lake Woodlands Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
Dear Mr. Norrell:
When I entered the meeting room at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott for the public Joint Strategic Planning Workshop I noticed an abundance of printed informational material on the corner of a table where Ms. Connell was sitting. As a resident and member of the media, I approached Ms. Connell requesting a copy of the information. I was shocked at Ms. Connells behavior and need to bring it to your attention since this reflects poorly on The Board of Directors, the WCSC and The Woodlands. Ms. Connell refused to speak to me when I requested a copy of the printed material and glared at me in a threatening manner. Please take appropriate actions to prevent this from happening in the future. As far as this complaint goes, a written apology from Ms. Connell will resolve my complaint.
I request a response and apology from Ms. Connell by the end of business on 5/21/07.
Joe Merrill
Community Activists of The Woodlands
Mr. Norrell replied and I am still waiting to make sure that his reply is his "Final Answer".
What do you think his original reply was?
A: Mr. Merrill, Sorry to hear that Ms. Connell was rude to you, a resident of The Woodlands that we proudly serve. Ms. Connell is currently on leave and I will speak with her when she returns.
B: Mr. Merrill, Ms. Connell was drinking water and couldn't speak. Must have been a misunderstanding. . . .
C: Mr. Merrill, Ms. Connell has a history of taking business related issues personally and she has been coached on how to handle situations like the one you described in the future. Ms. Connell is sorry for her behavior and looks forward to working with you, an 11 year resident of The Woodlands, in the future. Please feel free to contact myself or Ms. Connell in the future with any issues.
Update: Anser is B
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Should our Leaders be in the same place at once?
This story makes me think of a few things.
- Why are all of our leaders in one place at the same time? According to the new sign at the association building, staff or residents have something to worry about.
- Were the residents of The Woodlands and surrounding communities made aware that all our law enforcement was on break? I would have taken advantage of the situation and drove 40MPH up and down Lake Woodlands and Gosling the entire time they were on break.
- Why was the meeting held at the association building and not the Marriott? Just last weekend the residents of The Woodlands spent an untold amount of money to hold a Board meeting in the Marriott. It appears from the picture that there would have been plenty enough space for our leaders to sit around at the association building and do whatever it was that they did.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Will The Woodlands Sue Community Activists of The Woodlands?
If you don't want your assessment dollars wasted, then send an email to: meconnell@catw-tx.org & boards@catw-tx.org.
Please feel free to comment.
Update: No Law Suits Yet